In business, sweating the small stuff (read “fundamentals”) really does matter, even to the “big” hitters.

Here’s a photo of Babe Ruth doing something I never thought I’d see —

It’s striking, isn’t it?

I mean, here we have Babe Ruth, the most prolific long ball hitter ever, the man who made the Home Run what it is, practicing bunting.

Why would a man best known for hitting a baseball hundreds of feet through the air (and usually deep into the stands!) spend time before games practicing bunts, which are designed to knock the ball just a few feet along the ground?

Here’s why.

Fundamentals matter.

Execution matters.

You’re not bigger than the game.

Sometimes you have to give up your own personal glory for the good of your team.

(In baseball, sacrifice bunts are used in certain situations to advance a runner to the next base.)

Here’s the lesson for you and me …

Don’t be above doing the little things well (and right).

Put in your work and give genuine effort – even on the small, seemingly unimportant details and nuances of your craft.

I love this image of Babe Ruth bunting, because it reminds me that true excellence comes in doing the little things, the fundamental things, well.

If Babe Ruth had time to practice bunting, you have time to practice those parts of your business that are fundamental (and integral) to your success.

Identify what those are, and then get to work.

See you on the field!

Thank you to John Nemo of Nemo Media Group